Stacks Image 10


TN: 25

Duration: Instant
Range: Sphere of 15 foot radius, centred on caster.
Resisted: Might + Armor Value

If successfully cast, the Sorcerer rolls his Magic skill without his Wit attribute for damage.
The target resists using Mig+Armor Value:
  • If the target resistance roll fails:
    • Suffers appropriate damage, and is thrown down on the ground (if this is important roll 1D6/2 for numbers of meters the target is flung away).
  • If the target resistance roll succeeds:
    • Suffers -1D penalty to actions in the current round (mild stun due to the shock wave)

Do not forget to apply Scale, if needed: this is very powerful against swarms, for example, while relatively useless against giant-size opponents.
The caster needs to clap his hands and (assuming s/he rolls above the TN) a shockwave will emanate around the center of their silhouette and push everyone else away.
A successful cast creates a thunderous sound that can be heard up to 100 feet away.
N.B.: when cast the spell will affect both allies and enemies. The only person who will not be affected is the caster.

Example #1:

Caster with 3D6 Wit and 6D6 Magic skill is surrounded by 4 humanoids and casts ThunderStrike.

3 have 2d6 MIG; no armor
Leader has 2D6; Leather armor (AV:2)

Spelluser successfully casts the spell,
then rolls 3d6 for effect -> (5+6+2) = 13

Humanoid #1 -> (6+5) = 11, fails, Stunned+Prone

Humanoid #2 -> (4+4) = 8 fails, Wounded+Prone

Humanoid #3 -> (1+1) = 2, fails, Incapacitated+Prone

Leader -> (6+5)+2 = 13, resists successfully
Target remains standing, if he hasn't acted already in the current turn his action will be at -1D

Example #2:

Caster with 3D6 Wit and 6D6 Magic skill is surrounded by 3 Sprites plus an Ogre and casts ThunderStrike

Fairies have 1d6 MIG; no armour
Ogre has 4D6 MIG + 6 (AV due to scale)

Spelluser successfully casts the spell,
then rolls 3d6 for effect -> (4+6+1) = 11

Fairy #1 -> (5) = fails, Wounded+Prone

Fairy #2 -> (4) = fails, Wounded+Prone

Fairy #3 -> (1) = fails, Incapacitated+Prone

Ogre -> (4+5+1+3) = 13+6, resists successfully, target stands up but is at -1D6 for the rest of the round.