
   The GearHeads: Dossier Handouts

Ran Ulag

Age: 32. Unmarried, no stable relationships.
Living Brothers/Sisters: 0/0
Living Parents: 2

Current Address: Metropolis Residence - Munar City, Trafe.

Current Job: Consumer Cyberware Company employee.
Junior Researcher / Industrial Plants & Infrastructures Division
CCC Citadel - Munar City, Trafe.

Electronics Degree at the Trafe Imperial Institute of Technology [TIIT].
Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering at TIIT. 
Ph.D. Thesis: "HyperDense Data Protocols as a tool in Increasing
Bandwidth on Very Short Range Communications"

The Ph.D. thesis was completed during a 12 month internship at CCC. Subject
became a full time CCC employee at the end of the internship period.

Criminal and Civil records:
- No prior criminal charges
- 3 years ago the subject lost a civil lawsuit after a
  victimless accident with a malfunctioning 0-g vehicle.
- Grav vehicles driving license currently suspended.
- The lawsuit costs were paid by the CCC Legal Assistance Program. 

Hobbies and Misc. notes:
- Subject holds driving license for ground vehicles.   
- From age 24 to age 26, the subject was a regular member of the
  "Trafelian Space Delvers". He obtained a Level-1 certificate in use and
  maintenance of standard VaccSuits.  
- Two years ago he published "A wide band protocol for floor-to-management
  communications in medium level automation plants" on the "Magazine of 
  Semi-Automated Production Plants", Vol 8, Issue 3.

Rohm Konis

Age: 35. Unmarried, no stable relationships.
Living Brothers/Sisters: 0/0
Living Parents: 0 (Both parents killed in an incident when the subject
was 15)

Current Address: Metropolis Residence Sector V, Apt. 112 - Munar City, Trafe.

Current Job: Consumer Cyberware Company employee.
Senior Researcher /  VR Leisure & Appliances Division
CCC Citadel - Munar City, Trafe.

RoboCybernetic and Bioengineering degree received at the Trafe Imperial
Institute of Technology [TIIT].
Ph.D. in Bioengineering at TIIT. 
Ph.D. Thesis: "Neural Feedback and the Ghost Limb Phenomenon in
prothesic devices"

The Ph.D. thesis was completed during a 12 month internship at CCC.
Subject became a full time CCC employee at the end of the internship
period and began working in the Biocybernetics and Prosthetics Division.
After a year the subject was transferred to the 3-D Imaging & Immersive Media
Technologies division.
After 18 months the subject was transferred to the VR Leisure &
Appliances division.

Criminal and Civil records:
- 4 years ago he was accused of assault by Katel Neusham, then his
  girlfriend. Charges eventually dropped after out-of-court settlement.  

Hobbies and Misc. notes:
- The subject joined the Marine Cadet Program at age 16. He was
  discharged after 6 months for medical reasons.
- Martial Artist. He trains at the _Body Zenith_ dojo, Alecat Avenue
  #12 - Losar Town, Trafe. The subject obtained a 2nd Rank certificate
  for Kombo-Tak from PDTA (Physical Development Trafelian Association).  
- Subject holds driving licenses for ground and grav vehicles.   
- Two years ago the subject underwent CCC-sponsored surgery to implant
  a neural interface jack at the base of the skull.  

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